Friday, May 14, 2010

In His Time

A while back Mark and I were both quite excited about and ready to make a land purchase early this summer on which to build a home in the next few years. And suddenly, we both began having doubts about that decision. Not only is it a major purchase, it commits us to one specific neighborhood when we aren't entirely thrilled with any particular neighborhood right now.

And upon thinking about our life realistically today and in the next few years, the house we are currently in is all we truly need...and all the square footage I care to keep clean. Or attempt to. Ha! So we have opted to put the entire issue of land and building a home on hold until we are certain that is what God' plan is for us. We know that everything good and right in life is according to His time, and this is turning out to be no different. So we'll wait patiently for His call to wherever He wants us to be. And I'll be happy to retain the convenience of a four minute commute to preschool and church, and a house we call home.

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