Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mother's Day

Mother's Day was a very special day because I was able to celebrate with both my babies and Mark. Last year at this time Little Miss was preparing to be born. This year Ian picked out a really cute black and white apron with green bow as my gift. I loved it and have used it several times already.

We went to church and then picked up our favorite after-church-lunch (Taco Bueno) to eat at home as a family. Then, late afternoon we met Mark's family out for dinner. Let me say that I never quite realized just HOW busy restaurants were on Mother's Day...until now.

With a party of ten, including four kids under the age of four, our group was not to be missed. It was an interesting evening and one that taught us fairly "new" parents a valuable lesson. Never dine out on a Hallmark holiday. It's simply crazy.

We've already decided that Father's Day will be celebrated at one of our homes with a casual cookout or potluck dinner so the kids can run wild and all us parents can relax. Overall, it was a nice day and one Mother's Day we will forever remember - with laughter.

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