One year ago today Mark and I were holding our baby girl in our arms for the first time and marveling that we were now a family of four. Anna turned one year old today and we celebrated with a fairly quiet day. She had some mini blueberry muffins with breakfast (she's sampling table food little by little due to a sensitive gag reflex) and had mixed reactions. It was a very rainy day so we stayed indoors. Anna was up most of the night (as was I) because of teething. She's cutting her seventh and eighth teeth (on the bottom) and it's quite painful this go-round. She ended up taking two, 3 hour naps today because the pain reliever finally helped her to rest.

The kids took a bath together because Mark is traveling for work and it's just easier to bathe them at once when it's just Mama in charge. They had fun and attempted to have a squirt gun fight. Anna just likes to hold the squirt gun - not sure what to do with it. And she was fascinated by the shampoo in Ian's hair. She couldn't resist hitting his head to smash the foaming bubbles. Anna is getting the hang of things - as of a few months ago, she'll just stand up and lift one leg in an attempt to get out of the tub when she's done with bath. Now she's getting so tall that she can almost get her leg over the tub!
Tonight we had some very threatening weather in our area. Thankfully we didn't get any tornadoes but I sure was concerned for a while. As I got the diaper bag and bed pillows into our safe room the kids were playing in the kitchen. This is what I returned to find....a straw and sippy cup explosion. They are trouble separately but together....yikes. :)
Here is what the sky looked like from the sunroom looking out over our backyard at about 7:30pm. Ian asked me if this was a 'nice storm'. I asked what he meant and he explained that every time I talked about storms coming, they are always called 'bad storms'. So he asked if this one was going to be a 'good storm' instead. ;) Because it ended up going north of us, it was indeed a good storm!
Ian is quite a good photographer, for a three and a half year old, and he loves to take pictures with my camera. He snapped a few photos of Anna and me tonight before the kids went to bed and they turned out pretty good.
Anna has her one year checkup tomorrow and I'm anxious to know her stats. She's so tall standing next to Ian so I'll be curious as to where she falls on the charts.
Happy Birthday Baby Doll!
We love you to the moon and back!
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