Monday, April 26, 2010


I am very proud to write that my 'little man' has been potty training over the past few days and today he successfully used the big potty. He was so excited to get his surprise (a lollipop and a Hershey's kiss) afterwards. This is one time when candy at 9:15am is perfectly acceptable. Ha! And then we proceeded to call everyone so Ian could share the news himself.

We know that Ian does things in his own time - speaking, eating new foods, etc. - so we expected that potty training would be no different. He came home from preschool last week talking about the cool big boy underwear one of the older kids was wearing (spiderman themed, of course) and he asked if he could have some like that and some with airplanes and helicopters on them. I told him we had some big boy underwear in his drawer and asked if he'd like to wear them. He agreed and that started the process over the weekend. By today he was even more aware of his body and was able to 'hold it' as we dashed into the bathroom after he announced that he had to 'tinkle'. One more milestone reached....and many more to anticipate.

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