Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Broadening our musical horizons

It might just be my own desire for some nostalgia but I've recently pulled out some cds I haven't heard in months or years, to enjoy in the car. I like exposing the kids to various types of (appropriate) music and I was so surprised to learn that both kids enjoy the music from the 60's and 70s. - much like I do. I had the Forrest Gump movie soundtrack on a few days ago and Anna was kicking her legs and smiling - almost dancing in her car seat. Ian asked what the title of the song was and said he liked it. It was For What It's Worth by Buffalo Springfield - I love the guitar in that song. Ian now calls it his favorite song. He's too cute.

Ian doesn't like all of my music, though. There have been a few times where he will either ask me to turn it down because it hurts his ears (the song, not the volume) or he will just honestly say that he simply doesn't like that song and would I please put on one of his songs. If it were up to him we'd listen to Pop Goes The Weasel over and over from the moment the car leaves the driveway until we reach our destination. In fact,  there were many mornings in which that was the only way I could snap him out of a grumpy mood on the way to school. As soon as he heared that song start, he'd smile and say, "Thanks Mama. I love this song." And as soon as it was over his soft, sweet voice would say, "Can I hear it again?" And because I love to see him smile, I would gladly hit the repeat button over and over until we pulled into preschool.

Both kids have enjoyed music since they were newborn (and probably from the womb) and it's neat to see how they appreciate all types of music. But we'll let Daddy get the joy of introducing them to some other favorites....Billy Idol and Rush....when they're a little bit older. Ha!

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