Anna's stats at age one...31 inches tall and 23 lbs. 4 oz.
Anna's stats at birth.....21 inches tall and 8 lbs. 4oz.

I'll write about her birthday party in a separate post because there's a lot of fun photos and stuff to share.
But, over the past week Anna has, for lack of a better term, blossomed. She is just such a happy girl. She smiles, blinks and waves to people - from family members to the cashier at the grocery store. She not only took her first steps this week but is literally racing around the house and yard as of today in her little 'waddle' of a walk that all toddlers have in the learning-to-walk stage. She can walk from one end of a room to the other and sometimes from one room to the other end of the house if she's focused enough. Her gag reflex has calmed a bit, too, so she's been able to try new table foods like pieces of bread, bites of cheese, and crackers. Just shy of one week after her first birthday, she's making it clear that she's not a baby anymore!