Monday, April 26, 2010

The green room and the glider

If and when we ever move from this house there is one thing I will miss more than anything else...Anna's room. From the glider chair nestled in the corner of her room, I've spent countless hours thinking of everything and anything, praying, talking with God, and simply watching Anna as I rock her to sleep in a dark room with only the dim glow of the closet light. As the hours ticked by in the middle of the night, the two of us would bond through crying (sometimes from both of us), colic, illness, calls to the pediatrician, and even a drive through the neighborhood. But nothing compares to the moments of silence we share in that glider as she drinks her bottle while looking up into my eyes and I back at her. She holds the head of her monkey blanket in her little hand and reaches for my face with the other. I find my mind wandering each time I'm in that chair since it's so easy for me to relax there. As we rock back and forth in silence I make mental grocery lists, plan Anna's first birthday party, think of chores that need done, reflect on the kids' growth and think about their futures, ponder dinner options, pray, and so much more. There's just something about that specific spot of our house that soothes both Anna and me - together. I will miss the rich green walls of her room, that corner spot with the second-hand glider chair that still seems so comfortable even when it squeaks, those old bi-fold closet doors that allow just enough light out so I can see my baby's face as she drifts off to sleep in my arms, and God's blessing of silence that seems to be the best therapy for gathering my thoughts and releasing my fears.

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