This past week we've been blessed with a healthy household. It's been so long!! Ian went to school and his church program this week and I had a sigh of relief to make it through the week without a call or visit to the pediatrician. But, in the midst of returning to our normal schedule I noticed something. I noticed both kids have suddenly grown - physically and mentally.

Ian had school pictures on Tuesday and was excited to pick out his own clothes. He has shot up 2-1/4 inches since his third birthday in late October so alot of his fall/winter clothes are now too small for him. As he left for school he let me snap a photo of him. He looked so handsome but he also looked a year or two older than he did last week (at least to me, anyways). His vocabulary is advancing quite well and he can correctly pronounce several
big words he couldn't just a few weeks ago.

And Anna is now making all sorts of sounds, has "words" for several objects (mainly the dog and her Daddy), and is asserting herself as an independent little girl and no longer a helpless baby. She's on-the-go constantly and has started eating crackers and some finger foods in the past week. The tips of her top two center teeth are finally starting to show and the top tooth directly to the left of the center ones is as clear as her bottom two teeth. So before we know it she'll have five teeth in there...ready to chomp anything we give her or anything she can steal from her brother's plate.

It's with mixed emotions that I watch these "babies" grow before my eyes. I'm so proud of both of them for the little people they are becoming; but I sometimes long for the days when Mark and I had just brought them home and life with children was so
new. And then I think about how nice it is to (mostly) get a shower and have time to get myself completely ready now that Anna takes a consistent morning nap and Ian is able to entertain himself quietly for a while. Hmmm...life is quite good either way you slice it!
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