It was one of our best zoo days yet. The kids enjoyed exploring the animals together, playing on the playground, jumping in the bounce house, and eating lunch together by the lake. We went through the children's zoo area and the goats were a big hit with all three kids. Although the boys had lots of fun balancing and jumping off the block walls like wild monkeys.

Daddy gorilla was way up on the hill watching us and before long he slowly made his way down the hill and settled right up against the glass and stared at us and down at our pudding cups as if to ask, "What 'cha eating?" He was so close I could look right into his eyes and you could see his breath as it fogged the glass.

After a few seconds the kids decided to return to the bench and started talking to the big guy. Then things turned really cute. Anna offered her Monkey and her pappy and Ian was showing the gorilla his zoo key. At that time more people came into the exhibit (it had just been the three of us and the gorilla for a while) and everyone was in awe of the gorilla at the glass. It was entertaining that he was curious about our food but quite unnerving at the same time thinking of how I'd possibly protect my babies from such a large animal in the event that something went wrong.
We then moved on to see the elephants and were excited there were still seats open at the "show" they have daily. So we got to learn about the elephants and see their "tricks", which are really their exercises and ways in which the trainers are able to safely get close enough to check their health on a regular basis. They bowed, balanced on stumps and logs, "clapped" their ears, waved with their trunks, and more. The kids were pretty amazed by the show and I was too!
We ended up spending five hours there today and the kids were such troopers. They really hung in there and we all agreed it was one of the best zoo trips we've had yet. It was so much fun sharing the day with friends!
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