Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dance party...then and now

Both kids have absolutely loved music since they were babies.

For those of you who don't know, one of Ian's favorite shows from age 18 months to 2-1/2 years was The Lawrence Welk Show. I know that sounds super strange but he would just get into a trance when it came on. He'd "conduct" the orchestra along with Lawrence and would dance to the music as the performers did. He would follow it all with a big bow and clapping for himself. He cracked us up. Every Saturday at 6pm we'd be in front of PBS watching Ian and Lawrence perform together. I'll be sure to share that story and the videos with his wife someday...and then explain to her who Lawrence Welk was! Ha!

Anna tends to love dance/electronica music (like her Mama did in her 20s) and 80s pop music, along with any songs performed by young kids. This past Sunday we were picking up lunch after church and she got upset because she was so hungry and tired. All my usual tricks of distraction - reading her a book, singing, playing a game, etc. - were not working. So I pulled out one of my old dance music cds and put it in the player. Within seconds she was dancing in her carseat and laughing. That cd saved us! We often see her bobbing her head in her car seat to whatever music touches her. I don't remember Ian singing as a toddler but Anna sure does if she is feeling it.

Ian prefers rock music and both kids absolutely LOVE it when Mark plays Rush for them in the truck. They rock out like they're at a live concert. It's pretty entertaining.

So here are some videos of our living room dance with Anna and years back with Ian as the star of the show.

Anna and I had a brief dance party this morning before lunch and I finally captured a few good videos of her dancing.

And here is Ian at 2 years and 2 months old tap dancing along with the LW show.

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