Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sugar and spice...with a dash of mud

The temperatures hit the upper 70s today and it was a gorgeous day to enjoy the outdoors. A far cry from the negative degrees and multiple inches of snow just over a week ago. At about 6:30am I opened every window in the house to air things out and enjoyed the fresh air well into the afternoon.

Ian was at school so Anna thoroughly enjoyed getting to hog the outdoor toys - mainly the wagon, the basketball set and the dump trucks.

Then she moved on to a new favorite - digging in the mud. And Coal parked himself right close to her, as usual. He is the noble protector of the family...and he can't resist an excuse to get to lay in the cold, wet dirt without getting into trouble. Both were as happy as could be. Anna dug her fingers down into the dirt, poured it onto herself, on her clothes, threw it across the driveway, and then dug in it with a shovel. Then she discovered mud clumps that would explode when she crushed them between her fingers and a new game was born. She must have crushed twenty of those little clumps...all with a big smile. So if the horrible mud stains don't wash out of her pretty pink cargo capris, I guess she'll have a good pair of "mud pants" for this spring. It's all in the name of fun, right?!

I have to laugh, though, at the idea that my daughter is the one who likes to have dirt under her nails. Ian has always disliked having dirty hands and never really got into playing in the dirt. He loves to play in the sandbox but mostly with shovels, measuring cups and vehicles. And then there's Anna who loves nothing more than when I'll allow her to really get filthy.

We jokingly call her our 'delicate little flower' because she does things like imitates burps when she hears them, loves to tackle her brother, has a temper like no other little one I've seen, and loves the dirt. And then she will turn in to 'Anna Banana' and put on her dress-up shoes, a hat, sunglasses and a handbag and march around the house wearing my watch up around her elbow as if she's off to 'lunch' with the girls. She's a humorous mix of tough and sweet...just the way we like her.

Anna's words & phrases at 21 months:

trash truck
dump truck
B (the letter)
Baby Babble (her favorite video she calls "Baby Ba" or "Bah-Bah")
Ian (it sounds more like "Een" right now)
Gram (says "Ga", "Ga-Ga" or "Gi-Gi" like Ian did)
now (she calls her milk for bedtime her "now" because I always ask her if she's ready for her milk now)
uh-huh ("yes")
pappy (sometimes calls her pacifier "night-night")
monkey (usually sounds like "key")
peel (she is a fruit lover and tries to eat or play with the peels)

Tonight (2/21/11) Anna asked to get down from the table after dinner but she kept holding on to her plate. I wasn't sure what she was doing but I suspected she wanted to take her plate to the counter like Ian does after meals. So I held her plate steady while she got down from her chair. Without any of us saying anything, she proceeded to carry her plate across the kitchen to the counter where I helped her get it up there since she can't quite reach yet. We were all so impressed that she had been watching Ian do this daily and she "caught on" without us expecting her to do that at her age. Monkey see, monkey do! :)

And within the past few weeks she has started to fold her hands, lower her head and close her eyes (she used to just fold her hands) when she prays at meals and bedtime. The sweetest thing is she now, as Ian does, will fold her hands and wait for us all to pray together before meals. I know she can't grasp what exactly it is that she's doing at this age but it's amazing to see that prayer is already very much a part of her routine in life.

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