Monday, November 28, 2011

Precious Moments

This Thanksgiving was a special one for our family. We love hosting at our house and this year there were fourteen of us. I used to stress out about entertaining that many people in our home, family or not, but not anymore. The past few years it's become such a joy. Each family contributes several dishes to the feast and it's so nice that way. We get to taste some great recipes and those who have a "specialty" can choose to bring that for everyone to share. The four kids were big enough to sit at the little table and the adults enjoyed the extended dining table and lots of laughs. The weather was quite mild so after lunch everyone relaxed on the back patio while the kids played in the yard.

For black Friday we opted to load up as a family once the kids were awake and start the morning off with donuts around 7:30am. Anna and I stopped into Old Navy (where we were one of about three families shopping) and found some cute items for our upcoming family pictures while the boys went over to Lowe's. Then we all met back up and went to Academy and Tractor Supply. I did a little online shopping on Land's End and Kohl's for Christmas later that day. That was the extent of our shopping. Thankfully we are really quite ready for Christmas in the way of gift-giving so there was no pressure to stand in line for certain items over the weekend. Friday afternoon we put up the exterior Christmas decorations and I got the mantle decorated. For the first time in the more than ten years Mark and I have been together, we set up the Christmas village and train set at the near-begging request of Ian.

On Saturday we put up the Christmas tree and the kids' little 3-foot tree and finished the interior decorations. And after church on Sunday Ian (sort of) helped me decorate both trees while Anna napped. When Anna woke up she immediately went to the tree and examined all of the ornaments. She was really drawn to those with baby photos and animals. And she likes seeing the ornaments with Mark and me and Coal pictured together - before kids.

Sunday night we went to Braum's for dinner and our milk/OJ items (Braum's milk is like gold in this house...if you've had it, you know how good it is) and the kids thoroughly enjoyed sharing one side of the booth while Mark and I shared the other side.

And that's when one of the sweetest things my son has ever said was shared. Ian hugged Anna, kissed the top of her head and announced to me that he was going to marry Anna. Now you and I know that isn't possible but that's how he could best express his love for his sister. It was precious. When I gently explained that they are brother and sister and couldn't marry each other, Ian asked why. After attempting to further explain that even though they couldn't marry, they will always be brother and sister and share so much love. Ian said he didn't care. He was going to marry Anna ten times so she could wear ten wedding rings. Ha! He's so cute and has such a big heart. And nothing means more to him than his family and his close friends.

After dinner we drove around to look at Christmas lights for the first time this season - as early as it may be. We weren't disappointed. One of the most infamous houses for extravagant lights in our area was as bright as ever and the kids went nuts! I can't even type out how Anna says Christmas lights but it's something like 'Kwitmo lights' and it's hysterical because she says it so amazingly fast. All we heard from the backseat of the truck was each child yelling to look at the lights out of their window and then a loud, "Ooohhh!" from each of them. It really does make my soul smile to see how such simple things in life can make a child so amazingly joyous!

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