Sunday, September 4, 2011

Potty training...round one

We started our first attempt at potty training Anna over the weekend of August 14th because she was showing signs of being ready.

Tuesday morning (the 16th) Anna woke up and I immediately asked if she wanted to potty. She replied that she did and I was surprised to find her overnight diaper was virtually dry. Within about a minute of sitting on the potty she began to tinkle. About thirty minutes later I was in doing my makeup and Anna came in and said, "Mommy, potty". I asked if she needed to go potty again and she replied that she did. So we ventured down to her bathroom and she quickly tooted on the potty - quite proud of herself, too. Then she pooped. I was so excited for her and her eyes got really big with surprise that she had done it.

So that afternoon we stopped by Target to pick out a cushy potty seat. She's been using a fold-up portable potty seat so I wanted to get her a nice soft one for at home. She immediately went to the bathroom and wanted to 'try it out' when we got home. Later that week she got to pick out two packs of 'big girl' underwear. She also loves to read 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?' by Eric Carle while on the potty. Not sure why but it's a favorite. Now she knows it by heart and 'reads' it to me as we camp out in the bathroom.

Since then she's been wearing pull-ups about 95% of the time and likes them. She has days where she's very into using the potty and others when she could care less. She did make me realize just how much control of her body she has when she got into a warm bath one night and began tinkling before she sat down. She realized she was going so she looked down and immediately stopped. Then she looked at me and giggled and said, "I tinkle", and continued going. So we know she can hold it for long periods of time and control her body to 'wait' until she's at a potty. Those are good signs. So we'll take it slow and see what happens over the next few months after she starts school.

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