Thursday, September 8, 2011

Anna's first day

Our fashionista in head-to-toe PINK. :)
Today was Anna's first day of preschool and she had a blast. She was very excited to go since she saw her brother go yesterday. She was apprehensive about going into the classroom because she was confused as to why she wasn't going into last year's classroom. Once she got in the door she did great. We put her bag in her cubbie and she was off to play with the wood puzzles. She gave me a hug good-bye and that was it. I was so proud of her for not asking for or needing her Pappy (pacifier) or Monkey lovie at all that morning. Usually she'd ask for her Pappy/Monkey (she almost says it as one word) in an uncertain situation for soothing but she didn't need either and I was so happy to see that. I knew she'd have a great day if she started out on a good note. That was as good as we could have asked for! She's becoming a big girl before our eyes.

Anna loves wearing her favorite hat
in the car and her sunglasses are
usually upside-down. :)
My 'big kids' outside school.

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