Wednesday, July 6, 2011

His Great Name

Ian's child-like faith is one I admire and am often in awe of. His precious little spirit has not yet been tainted by the enemy or with the harsh realities of the world. And even at just four years old, when he speaks of his God, he does it with a deep sincerity; a belief that is so solid that he can't fathom someone not believing what he believes. I marvel at that sometimes and I pray his relationship with his Savior is one he cherishes for a lifetime.

Anna is not old enough to fully understand, but God has already planted a seed of faith in her. She takes great joy in participating in meal-time or bedtime prayers and has taken to saying her own prayer after her and I say the bedtime prayer together. It is pretty precious to here here thank God for everyone (and everything) that comes to mind. Tonight she thanked God for the usual...Daddy, Mommy, Ian (Ee-uhh as she says Ian's name), Coal, and all her family...but she changed it up a bit and also added one of her own...Pingu (the little cartoon she enjoys). Too funny. But she puts a unique Anna-style twist into all her prayers...she insists on growling, yes growling, her Amen at the end. She is one joyful, silly little girl.

That's why this song by Natalie Grant is so powerful to me right now. It's called "Your Great Name" and it is amazingly arranged. It reminds me that no matter what we have been through in the past or are going through in the present, what we doubt or what we think we believe, Jesus is the only truth. It is a truly Great Name with such unimaginable power.

This song is one I will look forward to putting on the surround sound in the living room as loud as I can stand it (the drums/background is amazing) while the kids are at school this fall and I'm cleaning house. :)

Take a break from the day and enjoy a moment with a live performance by Natalie Grant at Saddleback Church.
And check out the full version via Playlist with the awesome accompaniment.

Have a blessed week!

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