Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ian's wife and baby

Ian is a bright and inquisitive boy so when he asks questions I attempt to answer him as honestly as I can, keeping in mind his age and what Mark and I feel is appropriate for him. His questions often revolve around God, relationships like friendships/marriage, typical boy things like space, dinosaurs and Legos, and how things work.

But this school year it's come to our attention that our son, at the ripe old age of 4-1/2, is very aware of the dynamics of girls and boys and is already looking to his future. :) He has a few girlfriends at school. He told us that he wants to marry a girl in his class named Veronica because, as he says, 'She's nice and is really pretty to look at'. Another little girl, JJ, adores him and they are so cute together. They hold hands, greet each other with hugs, and kiss on the cheek sometimes when it's time to go home. Apparently JJ loves to help Ian put his shoes on/tie them and she put her mat right next to Ian's and won't let him rest at nap time.

So we're in the car heading home from school yesterday when Ian asks from the back seat, "Mom, why don't I have a baby in my belly yet?" As I attempted to not wreck the Oddy (or laugh), I explained to him that boys don't carry babies, girls do. So he asks, "Why?" And I simply say that God made girls to carry and birth babies but boys are to be the Daddy to the baby and help take care of it. So he continues with, "When my wife has our baby, I'm going to get to hold the baby a lot." I just smiled with joy at his soft-hearted spirit and reassured him that not only will he get to hold the baby a lot but that I'm certain he's going to be a fantastic Daddy to his children, just as his Daddy is to him.

Later that same evening as we had finished bedtime books Ian's mind struck again. He told me, "Mama, maybe when I have my little boy he can wear my favorite space pajamas when he turns four like me." So Mark laughed and told me, "So I guess those pajamas are yet another thing you can never get rid of."

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