Monday, November 22, 2010

It's going to be amazing, baby!

Today, Ian and I had a wonderful opportunity to help decorate our church for Advent, while spending some special mother/son time together. Ian has been looking forward to this for a while. He was so excited at the thought of getting to help hang Christmas lights like he has watched Daddy do in years' past at home.

When we got to the church there were people in various parts of the church working on hanging garland, enormous wreaths, wrapping big Christmas trees with lights, etc. As Ian and I walked in, hand in hand, he quietly said to me, "Mama, I don't think there's anything here for me to do." I reassured him that there was. We met with the coordinator and Ian told her what he had told me. She let Ian know how excited she was to have him there to help and told him she saved a special job just for us. They wanted us to decorate the Christmas tree in the "Bride's room", or parlor, up near the church offices. We were handed a bag of ornaments (mostly non-breakable, thankfully) and strands of lights. As we waited, Ian noticed a pretty gold angel ornament that was intended for the large trees near the sanctuary, and he asked if we could put it on "our" tree. The coordinator smiled and handed it to Ian - he was excited.

As I wrapped the tree in lights, Ian organized the ornaments and pile of hooks. We talked about the terms volunteer, serve and ministry and what they mean. We talked about how one simple act, like decorating a tree at our church, is serving others and it's serving the Lord with our time and talents. We also talked more about the upcoming Christmas holiday and why we as Christians celebrate Christmas. Even though I'm sure Ian would have probably rather have been playing model airplanes at home, he hung in there and genuinely helped, talked with me, and listened. I will cherish that time with him; the memory of our first "service project" together.

So tonight as I'm making dinner for Mark and me, the kids were sitting across from each other at the kitchen table eating theirs. That's when I overheard an awesome conversation that I will never forget. Now granted Anna does not have true words yet, but she was listening to Ian and responding with noises as if she was speaking as clear as a bell. Anna began to reach up with both arms and Ian was trying to guess what she wanted. Here's how the conversation went....

Ian: "What do you want, Baby?" (Yes, Ian usually adds the word Baby to statements because we often call Anna "Anna Baby")
Anna: Uh! (as she reaches both hands to the sky)
Ian: "Oh, you are reaching for God. He is way up in the sky."
Anna: A little coo of a "uh-huh".

By this time I had turned around so I could see what they were talking about and just watched without them knowing.

Ian: "Did you know that God is going to come back down to Earth from heaven and we will get to meet him, Baby?" (with a huge look of excitement on his face)
Anna: another coo of "uh-huh".

So then I interject, "You're right, Ian. Jesus is going to return someday and all of the people who believe in Him will go live in heaven with him. We will live with the Lord forever."

Ian: "We all get to go see heaven and stay there forever with Jesus?" Then he looks to Anna and says, "I can't wait. It's going to be amazing, Baby! I will meet Jesus and get to sleep on a big, fluffy white pillow...a big cloud. Yeah!"

I was speechless. Part of me wanted to chuckle at his innocent thoughts of bouncing on a big puffy cloud and the other part of me was in awe of how a four year old little boy could possibly wrap his mind around such an awesome spiritual concept - without being afraid. And does he ever have it right; it will be truly amazing to meet our Lord and Savior face-to-face. Until then, I will continue to thoroughly enjoy the tenderness of a child's spirit whom I know already has a special place in his heart for the Lord.

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