Saturday, June 25, 2011

Kids' Safety Challenge

Earlier this month Ian attended a two-day Safety Challenge through our local fire department, along with his cousin and numerous other kids.

Kids pose on the back of the engine.

As we drove home from the first day of his "class" I quickly realized just how closely he had paid attention.

As I entered a left turn lane, I drove over the yellow stripes to get around a super long line of cars who were all going straight and waiting at a red light. From the back seat I hear my son announce to me that I had made a mistake driving. He continued to explain that if I want to make a turn, I need to wait patiently next time in the line of cars and not drive over the yellow stripes because it is dangerous and against the rules.

So I admitted my "bad choice" and told him thank you for correcting me and that I'd wait patiently next time. Of course, inside part of me was chuckling at the idea that my 4-1/2 year old son was giving me driving advice from the third row of the van - where he has a perfect view of the road ahead because his seat is centered. I call him my Captain and I swear he will be the safest sixteen year old on the road someday because he already knows so much about traffic safety.

Ian getting out of his "fire truck" near the
hydrant at the Safety Challenge course.
The boys put out the fire in the safety village.

The safety program was so neat and Ian is already asking when he can take it again. The second day they invited the kids' family up to see them "graduate" the program. They had several rescue vehicles, including the ever-popular fire truck, on display for family and siblings to explore. And he even got his own navy blue FD t-shirt to wear.

A few days later they had all of the participants return to the safety village for a special event for the kids' families. We got to see him go through an obstacle course where his safety knowledge was put to the test - literally. He loved getting to wear the bunker gear! He actually told the Major that he didn't want to take it off after he completed the course - despite the near 100 degree temperature outside.

Ian's latest career choices for when he gets older is to be a rancher, a zookeeper, a policeman, a fireman, and a teacher. He will be one busy boy. Ha!
Ian wanted to keep the jacket!
The gang gets to
feed Cheerios to the gold fish in
the safety village pond.

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