This post may seem a bit random since my kids are no longer babies but my cousin and his wife are expecting their first child this fall and we received an invitation to their baby shower yesterday. This is probably the first baby we've bought a gift for in some time so it got me thinking...what should we get them? There is a traditional registry as a guide but I like to give something a bit more personal or unique.

Baby registries are often filled with a lot of items that are more of the
popular gadget variety instead of the
will get used so many times I'll save it for my next child items. Which lead me to start listing in my head all the neat items we have
truly used and
cherished through Ian and Anna's babyhoods. And the list kept growing.

There are some standout items that I must mention because if anyone is looking for a baby gift and doesn't want to follow the traditional registry, grab a few items from the list below and fill a cute lined wicker basket from Hobby Lobby or Michael's (who often have them half price or on clearance) with a few "parent tested, baby approved" items the new parents will say are much appreciated!
THE LIST (in no particular order):
- Baby Einstein Alphabooks
(set of 26 board books, one for each letter, within a box that has handles)
- Avent Express Microwave Steam Sterilizer
(we used this for bottles, pacifiers, utensils, toys, etc. and it lasted through both kids beautifully)
- Baby Einstein Take-Along Tunes
(this has saved my sanity on so many car trips and Anna still brings it with her at age 2 to enjoy)

Baby Babble &
Baby Babble 2 DVD (
(this was vital in helping both kids' speech development, it teaches basic sign language, and it's still Anna's favorite DVD set)
- Curious George tv episodes on DVD
(the tv episodes from PBS are fantastic - Anna loved them at age one and Ian still enjoys them at four because they teach math and science concepts in a positive, colorful way)
- Playskool Lullaby Gloworm
(has light and sound but we keep the sound turned off and this is Anna's crib nightlight)
- Melissa & Doug Deluxe 50-piece Wooden ABC/123 Blocks Set or Block Cart

(set comes in a cloth bag with velcro closure or a wheeled cart for pulling - a wonderfully sturdy educational tool)
- Colorful cotton beach towels
(we love beach towels for bath towels - super absorbent, colorful designs make it easy to tell who's is who's and they are big enough to completely wrap the kids up)
- A portable place mat that wipes clean or is dishwasher/washing machine safe
- A shopping cart cover with pockets and clips for toys
(this doubles as a high chair cover and is essential to keep teething babies away from gross carts or public high chairs)

Pottery Barn Kids Chamois Stroller Blanket(My cousin sent this to Anna at her birth and it is THE best and softest blanket ever!)
- LuckyBaby baby sling by SmallWish
(Find SmallWish on - super high quality, reversible, versatile wearing styles, and custom design option)
- Exergen Temporal Thermometer
(inexpensive yet so reliable and so much easier than putting something in baby's ear at 3am!)
- Cuisinart MiniPrep Plus Food Processor

(for those who want to make their own baby/toddler food it does purees beautifully)
- Fisher Price Papasan Cradle Swing
(Okay, this is a pricey gift but this particular swing was an essential for both of our babies. We actually took it apart to take to Colorado with us when Anna was a newborn because she had colic and reflux. Without this swing she wouldn't have slept a wink....and neither would we. We used it for both kids until they maxed out the weight limit. The battery life is amazing, too!)

Breathable Baby - Breathable Safer crib bumper ( isn't as cute as the fluffy bumper that comes with the crib set but it's a safe alternative that won't put a child's life at risk. It is also a great way to keep little arms and legs safely inside, as well as pacifiers and lovies from falling behind the crib at night.)
- Graco Bumper Jumper (used to be called a Johny Jump Up)
(Both kids logged a lot of bounce miles in that thing and they would giggle nonstop in it. The tray is awesome for toys or snacks and the rings make it easy to keep toys within reach.)
And if all else fails, stuff a cute basket full of baby essentials like diapers in various sizes, grooming items, wash clothes, baby q-tips, diaper wipes, J&J Head To Toe baby wash, plain white burp cloths, child size clothing hangers, and large waterproof crib pads. All of these items might be super practical but they are life savers for new parents!
Happy shopping!