Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Ian and Mama at the Mom & Me Tea at school.
This was a great Mother's Day week.  I say week because Ian had a special Mom & Me Tea at school and it was so neat getting to attend that with him. The kids decorated cookies to share and even served punch to us moms at the table. The teachers made a placemat that was covered in photos of Ian at school with all his friends. His closest girl-friend is JJ and I was so excited that one of the photos had the two of them playing together. At the end of the Tea the kids performed a song about moms to the tune of Your Are My Sunshine and it definitely melted this Mama's heart!

Ian's class singing "Your Are My Mommy"
(Ian is third from the left in the gray shirt.)

On Mother's Day morning Mark and the kids made me breakfast in bed. Ian brought the plate in and Anna quickly told me, "Yum!" Anna and I danced together (she likes me to hold her as I sway back and forth to the music) as we got ready for church. Ian had picked out a cute card that had a purple silicon "Mom" bracelet attached for me to wear today. Mark traced each of their hands inside the card and Ian signed it. They also got me a really pretty white and silver handbag. Love it!

I thank God for blessing Mark and me with the kids and making me a mother. I have wanted to be a mommy since I was a little girl and there's no title I love more. As Mark noted the other day, "I love this life we've been given." So true - so true.

Mama and her babies on Mother's Day before church.

This is a cute video they showed at church during the kids sermon that I wanted to share. Enjoy.

The Mom Song - Go Fish
(mute the blog music to hear only the video)

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