Monday, January 10, 2011

The bank account

We opened a savings account for Ian over the holidays and he was excited to get his own member card to his very own account. And after the paperwork was done we got to empty his piggy bank into the money sorting machine. I never realized how LOUD fifty-five dollars in change could be as it was being dumped and counted! :) Ian was excited until his piggy bank was about three-quarters empty. He quickly asked where his money went and why the machine took it. After explaining that he gets a printout of his deposit and the money is put into his account, he felt better.

But the next day he had something on his mind. At breakfast Ian got really sad and said, "My money is all gone!" We explained again how a savings account works and how a bank is a safe place to put your money until you're ready to use it and he, again, felt better. Then he replies, "So the bank guards my money from the lions, cheetahs and all the big cats?" We got such a big kick out of this. You have to know that Ian has said for a while now that he wants to be a zookeeper and a rancher when he grows up. So much of his thoughts and conversation involve animals in some way.

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