Ian can now completely dress/undress himself (other than doing the button on his jeans) and loves watching superhero cartoons like Spiderman and the Avengers on the computer in the evening. 
He's told me several times that he doesn't want to watch some of the tv shows he used to love like Little Bear and Little Bill. He's matured in alot of his thinking and behaviors since his fourth birthday.
He's asking to do "grown up" things around the house. So now he does his usual chores like make his bed and pick up his toys but he also helps me set the table for dinner and he enjoys helping with the spray bottle when I dust or clean windows. Both kids love to help unload the dishwasher and I love the help. No broken dishes yet. :) Ian's new love is Legos. Much like his mother and father as children, Ian could lose track of time in his room alone with his Lego sets.
Both kids are quickly outgrowing their winter clothes. Their pants are short on them and Anna is wearing some tops in size 3T already. She wears a size 7 shoe and Ian wears a size 10. There is only about an eight pound difference between the two kids and Anna is starting to shoot up in height, too.
Anna has learned several new signs (please and help) and uses them often. She tries to say the word Help but it comes out as more of a grunt with an "H" sound on the front end. But having about a half dozen signs to use has really lowered her frustration level when communicating. She loves to say "Ma-mama", "Mine" and "Ouch" here lately. Everything she sees - from animals in a book to a large tree in the yard is a "Mama" to something else. She is wild about wood puzzles and her new fascination with the Let's Go Fishin' game is too funny. She turns the game on then catches the fish as they rotate around with just her fingers. Then she squawks because the fish are "biting" her and she can't get them off her finger. I take the fish off her finger and within minutes she'll do it again. She carries the game around the house (while it's turned on) and then dumps them all out on the kitchen floor. She loves magnetic puzzle toys, Ian's TAG pen, and lift-the-flap books. If the house gets quiet I know I'll find her reading her books or doing wooden puzzles in the playroom.
We're a bit happy (in a nostalgic sort of way) that Anna is really starting to enjoy tv shows like Curious George, Caillou and Little Bear. Much like Ian did at this age, Anna sleeps with an entourage. Her buddies are a Gloworm, her baby doll, her Monkey lovie, two pappies (pacifiers), and her big PB Kids blanket my cousin Julie sent her when she was born. And since she's in a toddler bed, she now just gets up and comes out to the living room when she wakes up...entourage in tow.
Ian has the softest heart of any child I've ever known. He often says he saves the kisses we give him and puts them in his heart. Or he will say, "Mama, you are a genius." Or, "Daddy, you are amazing." He's so genuine. He already has several little "girl" friends at school. One girl, JJ, just beams when he shows up on Wednesday. She runs up to him, hugs him and tells him she's happy to see him. And he gladly holds her hand and goes off into the classroom to play.
I absolutely love watching the kids do something new all on their own or learn something new. But a part of me, as each parent feels at some point, wishes they'd stay this young, innocent and precious for a few more years.