Post Created On: 8/29/10
Well, the summer is coming to an end (at least we hope the summer heat is). School starts in just a week and a half and both kids will attend Mother's Day Out this year. Anna will attend on Wednesday and Ian will go Tuesday through Thursday. I think we're all ready for the structure each school year brings. And I know Ian is so starved for interaction with children his own age.
Ian starts his first season of Tiny Tot soccer through our local YMCA next weekend. He was so excited to get a set of shin guards, cleats and a small blue soccer ball. He and I have spent several hours already practicing in the front yard with his small goal. He is so funny. If he knows we're going outside to play, he chooses soccer or golf as his primary activity. He still loves his "green jeep", an automatic Arctic Cat ride-on toy, and does countless laps around the backyard every few days. I'm anxious to see what he thinks of the real game of soccer when he's on a team, has to take turns being on the field or on the bench, etc.
The women's Bible study I take part in starts up this week and I look forward to getting back with that circle of friends and fellowship. We have several new members this year so I am excited to get to know them all.
We raised Ian's bed up off the floor and onto the rails, adding the headboard that was part of the guest room decor before the kids were born. He was so excited to have his bed up high. He told us a while ago that he wanted it done and I'm sure part of his desire for a "tall" bed is so Anna can't get up there - a place of his own where she can't bother him.
I turn 33 years old tomorrow and I'm looking forward to the coming year. We're quickly putting the days of having "babies" in the house behind us and daydream about how much easier it will be to take upcoming family vacations, do weekend day trips, etc.
Lots of change on the horizon.
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