Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Anna grows up overnight

We returned from our annual trip to Colorado on Sunday and I think Anna decided to grow up overnight. She woke up on Monday refusing baby foods and desperately wanted our table foods for lunch and dinner. By today's lunch she was really ready! She ate half of a grilled cheese sandwich (one of her first table food favorites), two whole strawberries (diced) for the first time today, a few Cheerios for the first time, and some diced oranges (without the mesh feeder). With each bite of strawberry she'd make her "yum" noise and sign "more" to me. So I kept putting more on her plate....and she kept eating. She has now refused baby purees and jar foods (other than one jar of her favorite food...macaroni and cheese at dinner tonight) in favor of table foods. Where did my little baby go?

A pic of her lunch...before and after. :)

Some of Anna's words at this age...
gee-gee (dog, horse or anything that resembles either animal), daddy, hi-ee (hi/hello), mama (only used when she's tired or having separation anxiety), brr (brother), sh-sh (fish), hah-hah (hot), tee-tee or nigh-night (terms used for her lovie Monkey or pacifier), and she signs "all done" and "more" at the dinner table.

She puts two words together including - Hi Daddy or Hi Doggy.

Anna can also put her own bib around her neck, can get her own shoes off and loves to undo the velcro herself, attempts to do the top buckle of her car seat by herself, and helps us get her dressed.

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