Thursday, June 24, 2010

Randomly funny

Some randomly funny stuff that I simply didn't want to forget about...

Yesterday we were in the yard playing. With the 100+ degree heat, we were all sweating. Ian proceeded to remove his baseball cap and fan himself as he said, "Mom, I'm sweating like a sweater." I rolled in laughter.

Anna walked days after she turned one. Within days of that she was no longer crawling at all. And within the past week and a half, she has started to all out run (mostly in an attempt to chase Ian). Watching her little chubby body run is one of the cutest things I've seen in a while.

I'm not sure exactly where this phrase came from but it cracks me up each time I hear it. You have to know Ian to know how funny he is when he uses his very dramatic tones, along with a single raised eyebrow, strange accents he hears on television, and the occasional made-up words. After seeing the massive python at the Houston aquarium, he started randomly saying, "And you better be brave about this big snake!" It's funny on its own but makes Mark and I laugh so hard when our three year old says it with a southern drawl, as if he was the bad guy in an old western film, as he props one hand up on his hip.I swear this kid could be a highly successful actor some day.

Anna hoots like a baby owl and points when she's really excited about things - seeing the leaves on the trees move, an airplane fly over, and any animal but especially dogs.

The circle dance Anna does when she is excited, hears music she likes, or a tv show comes on that she enjoys (like Blue's Clues or Jack's Big Music Show). She extends her arms straight up over her head as if she's reaching for the sky and walks quickly in a big circle around our living room as she squeals or hoots in delight.

When Coal attempts to take a nap in plain view, Anna will go up to him and set her monkey blanket down across his legs or at his face, leans over and puts her forehead on his body (this is her way of hugging him), and then pats him as if she's telling him good-night.

During the last hour of our car trip back from Houston Mark and I were mentally exhausted. Ian had literally talked the entire seven hours prior. So Daddy attempted to play the "let's see how long we can go without making a sound game". He counted down and the game began. It was seriously less than fifteen seconds when we heard Ian start laughing from the back seat and then he said, "I won". Which made us both laugh, too. We explained the game again and had high hopes for the next round. Same reaction - this time it was about five seconds, though. We must have played that game a dozen times in a row and each time Ian would make some sort of noise in less than a minute, he'd start laughing, we'd laugh, and then Anna would start laughing and squealing. It didn't give us any moments of peace but that game did give us a few moments of really hearty laughter and yet another funny memory to reminisce about during our next car trip.

I'm sure there will be more to post as they come to mind....

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