Monday, March 22, 2010

Wide open spaces

Some of you may know that Mark and I have a dream of building a new home on the northeast side of town in the next few years. As our dream is now turning into reality, we've been venturing out to 'see land' a lot recently and the kids almost view it as an adventure now. Ian wears his fireman rain boots so he can 'walk the lot' without getting muddy and sometimes takes his tools so he'll be prepared to 'build a house' and Anna loves to just be along for the ride...and the wind.

We've narrowed down our search to a few select lots in two primary neighborhoods. Our realtor is working on gathering comparables for lot prices in those areas and we hope to be in the process of bidding on our first choice (a 1.4 acre partially wooded, hilltop lot in a nearly finished neighborhood) by early summer, if not earlier. Construction on the house itself will begin in about two years.

In the meantime, we will continue to enjoy searching home plans and discussing how we can merge multiple floorplans to create our perfect home. God willing, our hope is the house we build will be one we can grow into throughout the coming years and one that our kids call home into their young adulthood and beyond.

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