Saturday, February 27, 2010

The best of friends

My 'little man' constantly melts my heart but yesterday he brought a tear to my eye, too. Anna wasn't feeling well and didn't nap much at all so she was cranky and restless. By late afternoon she was so exhausted she finally just fell asleep in my lap as we watched tv. Ian helped me put Anna's blanket over her to keep her snug and then it happened. As Anna slept, Ian leaned over her, kissed her forehead and said a prayer for his baby sister. In his own three-year old way he prayed, "God keep Anna...not getting sick. Amen." I melted! With a tear in my eye, I gave him a big kiss and told him what a sweet brother he is, what a nice prayer that was and that Anna loved him very does Mama. Ian always includes Anna in his nightly prayers but never has he instinctively prayed for her when he knew she wasn't feeling well. It makes me so happy to see the pure love he and Anna have for each other as siblings and as best friends. It's the precious and priceless times like this that make the seemingly rough moments of parenthood so very worth it!

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