Monday, July 12, 2010

Adios avocado!

When we moved into our current home five years and four months ago we were pleased to find a home that had been fairly updated considering the homes in our neighborhood are 40+ years old. The one eyesore of our new home was our master bathroom. The shower/tub combo had the original 1970s avocado green tile accented with dingy metal safety bars. I will admit, though, that those bars saved me several times as I showered - a bit unstable and front-heavy as us women get while very pregnant.

It's sort of a joke but I don't think even most of our family has ever even seen our master bathroom because we were so embarrassed by it. But now we're quite proud of our new bathroom - thanks to the professionals at Pedry Remodeling. Here are some before and after shots.

We did the demolition work, knocked out the drop ceiling, replaced the insulation, and attempted some of the tiling ourselves. And then we quickly realized the issues present in our bathroom required professionals. And we're so thankful we handed this project over. Even the pros said this was a tough job! But it's done and we love it!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

A soggy but blessed 4th of July

We had quite a soggy day today but that didn't keep us from enjoying the Libertyfest parade early this morning before the heavy rain hit. We met Mark's parents along with his sister and her two boys at our favorite parade-watching spot just in time to see the start of the parade.

Ian loved the police officers on their motorcycles, the loud firetruck, the horses and the "soldiers" (as he calls all military). He was especially impressed with some people who were doing cartwheels down the street.

And I sat in somewhat shock as my "baby boy" got what I will call "googly eyes" as the very pretty Miss Oklahoma went by on the back of a convertible with a gorgeous dress and crown on. I asked if he thought she was pretty and his response was his soft, sweet voice he told Mark, "Uh-huh. She looks like a princess."

Anna was most taken by, you guessed it, the horses and the animals. One memorable moment was when a float went by with about a dozen dogs from the local shelter on display and she just went crazy. She was waving, hooting, yelling, clapping, and making so much noise in excitement that everyone around us was laughing and commenting about her.

Despite all the joy we received from watching the kids experience the parade, the most touching part of Independence Day celebrations for me is seeing floats or vehicles go by filled with veterans, Shriners, our local police and firemen waving American flags and playing patriotic music. It is awesome, too, to realize how blessed we are as Americans to openly and freely practice our chosen religion.

God bless the USA!